Wednesday, November 2, 2016


The good things I've done in this life
Far outweigh the bad
Remember that please
Besides - Most of the bad stuff I did
Was to myself, anyway
Now I crave peace - like from a glorious aperitif

Flow through me
Bring me everlasting peace
Flow through me
Wash away all of this insanity


Soft - Wet / Down my throat
On my tongue / On my lips
Be like Champagne bubbles
Sparkling inside my esophagus
Be like a glorious aperitif
And bring me peace

The feeling of that first swallow
Instantly the whole world changes
An alcohol induced sigh of relief
Euphoria and many blurry faces


Make me intoxicated
Be like a drug
This time not from a glass or bottle
But from your love

(like a) Vodka martini - slightly dirty
Like a glass of Merlot
Inhibitions low
Get me intoxicated
Don't stop the flow
Bring me peace with your love
Drown my sorrow


You know that feeling
It burns so right - Bad for your liver
But makes your soul shine

I'll put that rocks glass down
If you can duplicate somehow
The feeling that that flammable river
Gives me

Skip the hangover
Wrap your arms around me
Give me that special glow
Let your love flow down on me
Your love - let it give me a buzz
Let it bring me peace
Let it flow through me


From the Jonsona album - Soft
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm

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