Wednesday, November 2, 2016


My heart belongs to Italy
The only place I want to be

Italian breeze on my skin
(La brezza italiana sulla mia pelle)
The land of beautiful women and men
(La terra di donne belle e uomini belli)


The land of beautiful women and men
Italian breeze on my skin
The land of quaint villages
Drink wine and purge myself of sin

Florence Sicily Venice and Rome
Just a few places I'd like to call home
Colosseum Vatican and Spanish Steps
Pantheon cathedrals and Mt Vesuvius


Chianti - cafes and Milan
Tuscan breezes and gondolas
My heart aches for Amatrice and the rest
I weep for those who suffered God Bless


Sipping cappuccino by Italian coastlines
Chillin' in an opera house would be so fine
Exquisite architecture - fabulous paintings
Tuscan red orange yellows amazing


TI AMO Italia
Tectonic plates can crumble your buildings
But not your strength
Your heart - your beautiful soul Italia


From the Jonsona album - Soft
Written by Jonsona
Voice overs by Tiffany Rufini
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm

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