Wednesday, November 2, 2016


The first time I laid eyes on you
Slummin' around in the shadows
Of my back yard
You ran away from me
Little gray soul on guard - then you

You sauntered right into my life
Innocent eyes
Baby cries
You sauntered right into my soul
Bloody lifeless eyes now
Empty bowls


One day you are there - the next you are gone
One moment in my lap
Now rotting in a hole
You did your share of killing too
But the circle of life eventually claimed you

Now I can't even go in my yard
Memories of you it breaks my heart
I'm full of guilt
Could've done better by you
Now it's too late some stray dog ate you


I never fell in love so fast
I knew the risks but I hoped it would last
We had two months of bonding bliss
Now there's nothing but echos of
Growls and a hiss


Tearing of gray hair and flesh
Now your loving soul - it is at rest
Blood drains out of your tiny vessel
My green eyed loving gray haired rebel

Well that didn't last long did it bruh
I'm so sorry

From the Jonsona album - Soft
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm

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