Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Hey - my man pussy is not the way to:
My heart, my soul, my love
Doesn't matter now, does it

You thought you had got the best of me
You thought you had one up one me
You thought you had got your way Jimmy
I've got news for you
You're dead - I'm still living

Penetrate my pussy to get to my brain
If you think you'll get my soul
You must be insane
This penetration is not for me anymore


You fucked my brains out then I fell in love
Well maybe I was on the rebound
When I said that I fell in love with you
You told everyone I was a crazy ho


We tried to make it work one more time
But I held onto too much resentment
You said the spark is gone
Put me in your car
Took me home - tires screech on pavement
Penetrate my pussy to get to my mind
If you think you'll get my soul
You must be high
This penetration is not for me anymore

You were so hot - Kiss me - Lick my neck - I'm ready
You liked fucking me didn't you
Then you told everyone I was crazy
Just because I said I love you
Bitch - Rest in peace buddy

In reality we were both whores
But I was lost - you were a true whore
Then you died in 2005
Still a bitch a whore to the end
Cruising isles at the grocery store
You dead bro

From the Jonsona album - Soft
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm

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