Wednesday, November 2, 2016


(Over The Rainbow Intro)
That's not a fucking rainbow
Military Industrial Complex
should of sprayed us before we ever met
mother fucker
Nasty colorful chembow
Reminds me of our toxic lust

Dirty little chembow
That I see near heaven above
Reminds me of our toxic lust
Geo-engineered chembow
When I look at heaven above
Reminds me of our toxic love
You made me so mad
Constantly told me I sucked in bed
Constantly fucking with my head
You made me wish that I was dead

But my fragile self esteem
Was like your noose around my neck
That you used to control me
I could've done so much better


I look into your hazel eyes
I see the devil in disguise
Wanted to see, love - trust and hope
But all I see is a dirty chembow

Clouds look like an oil slick
As I look to heaven above
Thank you corrupt elite dicks
Reminds me of our toxic love

Sanity - Insanity - Fantasy - Reality - Truth - Lies
Lie to me baby - Treat me like shit I love that
See that chembow up there - that's just like us
If birds fly over that rainbow - they'll die

Ice crystals sometimes yes
Constantly like this though I doubt it
Over the rainbow
More like under the chembow

Looming over my head
Like our sick relationship
It all depends on which way the wind blows
You came in like a hurricane


From the Jonsona album - Soft
Written by Jonsona
Over the Rainbow lyrics by E.Y. Harburg
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


1990's glitz and glamour
Not so much in 2016
I can't believe you are gone now
Lonnie Lou - will you still watch over me?

Lonnie Lou will you still be my strength
I miss you - you're at heaven's gates
Lonnie Lou I still need you today
I can't believe you've gone away
Lonnie Lou please keep an eye on me
Blessed soul at our savior's doorway
You gave me hope but now you took it away
I guess we'll meet again someday

Watching AB FAB
And actually back then
We were young and fab
Perfect hair and thin

Smokin' dope
But you still made me keep a level head
And when you were alive
You gave me hope - Now you are dead

The way people we know
Are dropping like flies
It won't be long until we are together again
1990's glitz and glamour
Not so glamorous in 2016


Lonnie Lou met you in 1993
I was young pretty and naive
Thought that I was indestructible
I found out the hard way it isn't that way

If you could beat it so could I
With your strength I refuse to die
Now you're gone
Where will my hope come from
Will you still give me strength from
Heaven above

When I was lying in the hospital bed
Hop skip and a jump away from being dead
But you being alive it gave me hope
Now you're gone
No hope left to hold onto no more


From the Jonsona album - Soft
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainent 2016tm


The first time I laid eyes on you
Slummin' around in the shadows
Of my back yard
You ran away from me
Little gray soul on guard - then you

You sauntered right into my life
Innocent eyes
Baby cries
You sauntered right into my soul
Bloody lifeless eyes now
Empty bowls


One day you are there - the next you are gone
One moment in my lap
Now rotting in a hole
You did your share of killing too
But the circle of life eventually claimed you

Now I can't even go in my yard
Memories of you it breaks my heart
I'm full of guilt
Could've done better by you
Now it's too late some stray dog ate you


I never fell in love so fast
I knew the risks but I hoped it would last
We had two months of bonding bliss
Now there's nothing but echos of
Growls and a hiss


Tearing of gray hair and flesh
Now your loving soul - it is at rest
Blood drains out of your tiny vessel
My green eyed loving gray haired rebel

Well that didn't last long did it bruh
I'm so sorry

From the Jonsona album - Soft
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


Hey - my man pussy is not the way to:
My heart, my soul, my love
Doesn't matter now, does it

You thought you had got the best of me
You thought you had one up one me
You thought you had got your way Jimmy
I've got news for you
You're dead - I'm still living

Penetrate my pussy to get to my brain
If you think you'll get my soul
You must be insane
This penetration is not for me anymore


You fucked my brains out then I fell in love
Well maybe I was on the rebound
When I said that I fell in love with you
You told everyone I was a crazy ho


We tried to make it work one more time
But I held onto too much resentment
You said the spark is gone
Put me in your car
Took me home - tires screech on pavement
Penetrate my pussy to get to my mind
If you think you'll get my soul
You must be high
This penetration is not for me anymore

You were so hot - Kiss me - Lick my neck - I'm ready
You liked fucking me didn't you
Then you told everyone I was crazy
Just because I said I love you
Bitch - Rest in peace buddy

In reality we were both whores
But I was lost - you were a true whore
Then you died in 2005
Still a bitch a whore to the end
Cruising isles at the grocery store
You dead bro

From the Jonsona album - Soft
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


There's a difference between a logical
And conditioned brain Ya'll
Happy Holiday everybody

My daddy once told me
Mainstream and MSNBC
Was the most insightful info
I don't think so but how can we know

But alternative media
Also a hit or miss
It's good not to trust
Anyone one hundred percent


They tell you how wonderful everything is
But all you have to do is look around
To see it isn't
I used to think we humans are all one
But not so much anymore
Ho Ho Ho Rudolph and Frosty
Gettin' awful close to WW3
So have a Happy Holiday
Cause you may not get no more


This election year brought me to tears
We have a lying bitch
And a psycho millionaire
And the last two seemed like opposites
But they truly are very similar

As a country we had a chance to fight
Nip it in the bud like Barney Fife
But we just stood still
And let them create war


Black Friday and Wal-mart riots
For cheap chinese crap - I must be biased
But even in the 80's we lost our faith
But it was still better than it is today

The days of Beaver Cleaver
And Mayberry are over
I guarantee this Christmas I won't be sober
So Happy Holidays
Cause you ain't gonna get no more


Gone are the days of holiday glee
In this here our land of the free
Missing holidays sittin' by the fire
Happy smiles and sippin' cider

Jingle Bells jingle all the way to hell
Dear Santa Clause
I think it's time we pause
And sing Happy Holidays
Cause you might not get no more
Cause you ain't gonna get no more

From the Jonsona album - Soft
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


My heart belongs to Italy
The only place I want to be

Italian breeze on my skin
(La brezza italiana sulla mia pelle)
The land of beautiful women and men
(La terra di donne belle e uomini belli)


The land of beautiful women and men
Italian breeze on my skin
The land of quaint villages
Drink wine and purge myself of sin

Florence Sicily Venice and Rome
Just a few places I'd like to call home
Colosseum Vatican and Spanish Steps
Pantheon cathedrals and Mt Vesuvius


Chianti - cafes and Milan
Tuscan breezes and gondolas
My heart aches for Amatrice and the rest
I weep for those who suffered God Bless


Sipping cappuccino by Italian coastlines
Chillin' in an opera house would be so fine
Exquisite architecture - fabulous paintings
Tuscan red orange yellows amazing


TI AMO Italia
Tectonic plates can crumble your buildings
But not your strength
Your heart - your beautiful soul Italia


From the Jonsona album - Soft
Written by Jonsona
Voice overs by Tiffany Rufini
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


Yesterday - I arose from our bed
You were still asleep - kissed your soft lips
For the very last time
You can no longer make me cry

I thought I needed your love
Like a body needs - Water
I give it back - I don't want it anymore


I thought I needed your love
Like a fish needs - Water
I'm as free as a bird
You can no longer hurt me
Spreading my wings - set me free

I'll be free as a bird
Flying high like a plane
My destination is away from your petty games
Did you really think on me
You'd place all of the blame
How was I to know she was
Such a tumultuous dame

When I finally said goodbye
Did you think that I would die
Well I've got news for you
Gonna spread my wings and fly


I thought I needed your love
Like spring flowers need - Water
Wipe the April showers from my eyes
So I can finally see the light


I fell for your elaborate dog and pony show
But in reality you really were
Nothing but a ho

Did you ever even love me
Or was it one of your games
Being with probably compares to labor pains
Time to irrigate my soul
Make it grow like a flower
Cast away your evil - I have the power
I thought I needed your love
Like I need Water - Water


I thought I needed your love
Like a cyanobacterium needs - Water
Wipe the April showers from my eyes
So I can finally see the light

From the Jonsona album - Soft
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2014tm